Monday, February 23, 2015

If I Ain't Got You

Hey everyone haven't posted on here in awhile and I'm so sorry about that. I've been doing a lot lately! Winter break came and I was spending lots of time with family eating, laughing , and just having a good time. I also just got back from Baylor University in Waco, Texas for Baylor's Gospel Fest. I play Bass in the University of North Texas Voices of Praise Gospel Choir. It was such an amazing experience and I met so many people who just genuinely loved God.

Anyway, I feel that God is leading me to do these blog posts more often so I'm making a commitment now. I will post a blog every Monday (you guys hold me to that!). The topics will vary depending on what God is leading me to write about. It might be long or super short but I promise to post something.

Today I'd like to talk about being content in God. Being totally fine with having Him and nobody else. Ever since I was like 12 years old (I'm 19 now) I knew I loved music. It was all I did all day everyday. From practicing my flute, watching YouTube videos on how to play guitar, or banging on the piano in my house. Music was apart of my life 24/7 and still is today. Just this morning I started thinking about my goals and dreams; what I wanted to do in my life.

And then I stopped and said, "You know what God. If you take music away from me, including my desire to play it... Listen to it... Experience it. I would be okay with that, as long as I have you." Someone from the Bible who says something similar is David.

I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.".... Lord, you ALONE are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. (Psalms 16:2,5)

Is God enough for us? A lot of times we want God and something else; we want our mess, our addictions, our sexual relationships, and God too. But you see God doesn't work like that. Of course He will take you with all of your baggage, Romans 5:8 says that even when we were in sin Christ died for us (and would probably do it again quite honestly). God wants YOU and He wants YOU to WANT HIM!

Of course it's not going to happen over night but realize that it must happen. There has to be a point in the Christian walk where we say that God alone is our portion.

Live in Love. Live in Peace. Go in Freedom.

- Daniel