Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Servants, be SUBMISSIVE to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh. (1 Peter 2:18)

This post will be short but I'd like to talk about something that I am truly working on, submission. Specifically submission to leaders. When we hear that word, submission,  a bunch of red flags go up. We say things like, "Why should I be submissive?" Or, "I only to submit myself to God, not men/women." These are both things I have said countless amounts of time, pretty recently too. In my eyes men/women are flawed so submitting to someone who is flawed can't be correct, right? There must be a perfect pastor or minister out there somewhere! Wrong!

All my life I've searched for that perfect leader but have not found one. And I'm starting to realize that I will never find one (took me a minute haha). We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Moses is arguably the greatest prophet/leader that ever lived, but he had an anger problem. Remember when he killed the Egyptian in Exodus 2:12?

And we can see throughout the book of Exodus that the Israelites were not the best followers of Moses. They probably didn't want to follow someone who was always angry all of the time.

Peter tell us in 1 Peter 2:18 that we are called to be submissive to our masters/spiritual leaders/people of authority, not only the nice ones who we love to serve but also the ones that are harsh. We are called to serve and be obedient not only to God but to his chosen leaders. Let's not be like the Israelites and be disobedient, for the majority of them their story didn't end to well.

Submit yourself to your spiritual leaders.

Live in Love. Live In Peace. Go in Freedom


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