Monday, March 16, 2015

Where is your Terenbith Tree?

I hope that everyone is enjoying their spring break, I know I am!! I got back to Houston Friday night and was so relieved to be home; to see my family, eat food that doesn't taste or feel like cardboard, and  you know the usual. 

As I woke up this morning at the amazing time of 7:00AM I started worshipping God. I listened to a song by Bethel Music that talked about expecting God in a different way... Experiencing God in a different way... Meeting God at a different place. After the song was over the Holy Spirit told me to go outside and walk. I was given no destination, no coordinates, no map just told to walk. As I started to obey him I got really sick. There was an excruciating pain in my stomach and I started sweating. Oh God, it was horrible! 

At that moment I honestly thought about not going outside at all, I just wanted to lay down and go back to sleep hoping the pain would go away. Then I prayed and asked God to take away the pain... And it was gone. The funny thing is that I was surprised because I've never experienced God to be a healer for me.

Could it be that we downsize God and don't expect Him to do anything? So, He doesn't... 

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)

But let me get back to the real topic of this blog the Terenbith Tree... 

So after I was healed I went outside and just started walking, still had no idea where I was going but I knew God was trying to tell me something. Eventually I ended up here:

And without any explanation I just sat down at that place and started worshiping.

Then God spoke to me, and said He led me here because this was my Terenbith Tree. (If you want read about Hearing From God Check out this blog 

 The Terenbith Tree is a tree that is common in the region of Israel and Palestine. They are sometimes also referred to as "Great Oaks", "Oaks of Mamre", "Great Trees", and "Sacred Trees". A Terenbith Tree is simply just a place where you encounter God. It can be at home, in your car, at your job, at school, etc.

It says that the Lord appeared to Abraham at the Terenbith tree (Genesis 18:1). When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon the Angel was sitting under a Terenbith tree (Judges 6:11). 

What God revealed to me as I sat under that Gazebo is that sometimes when I come to a place that's comfortable, like home, I start to fall into old habits; not studying the word as much, not praying, falling into old patterns of sin, etc. 

Sometimes we just have to get away from the noise and the calamity in our lives and just find that place where we can experience God! Expect Him to move in a different way today and find that place where you and Him are one!

Live in Love! Live in Peace! Go in Freedom! 


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